We worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in our building and on Zoom. Zoom attendees are able to participate in worship through audio and video if they choose.
For Zoom connection information, please check your weekly email. If you are not on our email list and would like to be, send a message to info@uumsb.org.
March 30 – Service, Cheesecake and the Great Mystery – Robert Forman
Music: Marian Rose and Lana Bennett, piano
April 6 – Love at the Center – Rev. Carol Allman-Morton
Music: Marian Rose, piano
April 13 – Waving and Weeping- Kathy Duhon, minister emerita
Music: Marian Rose, piano and Steve Mole, guitar and voice
April 20 – Easter Sunday – Rev. Carol
Music: Marian Rose, piano; UUMSB Choir, and Chelsea Beatty, voice
April 27 – Trees – Tommie Hutto-Blake
Music: Marian Rose and Lana Bennett, piano
Share the Plate: Massachusetts Forests